

Do you think men are unpredictable?
Husbands are the same. Only their faces are different so that we can recognize which one is ours.
Why not learn some skills to handle your hubby so that your relationSHIP sails smooooothly.

I will not give you here a thick fat book, which is more difficult to read than it is to manage a husband. I am presenting here some simple, yet powerful tips that can be implemented immediately.

Do not start husband improvement program even though he does things that annoy you. Like he scatters newspapers and has not been taught even the basics of tidiness by his mother.
You are right. He should be buying the clock well wrapped in gift paper for the next day's wedding ceremony. Whose wedding was it? His friend's. Who is irresponsible here? Did I not remind him this afternoon from my office? Now, you both had agreed upon the gift. He himself said that his friend was notorious for not keeping time and even went forth saying, "I wonder if he will be in time for his wedding muhurat". Hence, I suggested giving him a clock that speaks in human voice when the alarm is set. I wish it could pinch him too.
Yet you will not yell at him. Why burst your voice machine?
Politely remind him. No shade of anger in your voice. Hence, you do not make him feel guilty.
Now, look at how he cajoles his colleague and persuades him to get the stuff at the wedding hall, in time. When the wedding gift finally arrives you notice the sigh of relief on his face. Now is the time to say, "Wow! You, after all, managed to get it. Smart!" Look at the triumph on his face.
Do what you can to the best of your ability.
Do not overstretch yourself.
Do not play the blame game. It bounces back. If you do, you will have to play table tennis with the blame ball all your life.
SECRET used here.
The GUY (even if he is a nut) feels proud when he accomplishes difficult task.
It does not matter if he himself makes the task difficult. We are going to use this powerful SECRET as I have described below.
If you want him to do something for you, do not reason out why he should be doing it. Do not tell him how you suffer because you have to manage alone your own office, kids, his parents, and home. Do not be a cry baby. Do not be a smart blame master (Misses).
Request him.

Use the words, 'Please', 'Thanks', 'Sorry', liberally. You do not have to mean that you are sorry. These three words make your work easy.
Dr. Ashok Koparday

BE POLITE. USE KIND WORDS whenever you want him to do something.
If you know his latency period is 2 days, that is he does the said work 2 days after having agreed to do, than be wise enough to tell him at least 2 days in advance how badly you need to get the thing done and no one else can do it. He is gifted, you know.
Offer GENUINE PRAISE about any thing that you like about him. It could be his way of choosing garments for you when he behaves like an ATM. You can boast about this at any party to your friends, when you are sure he can listen.
One other SECRET that is at play here is 'He wants to be looked up as a hero by his spouse. He reaches pinnacle of satisfaction

Sincere appreciation of any aspect of your husband is your key to winning him over.
I know you are muttering that you have not found any thing worth appreciating in the last 5 years. Search for some quality that you can appreciate. Make a beginning to make your life better.
Dr. Ashok Koparday

when he knows that his wife really respects him and loves him. Whenever this does not get conveyed the husband kind of homo sapiens try to impress by doing things that do not really matter to you. They may become workaholics. They may want to rise to higher position in the company or get higher and higher income. While doing all this he has no time for his wife. He has no time for his kids. They are growing and their growth cannot wait. When they grow up, how will they respond to a father who is namesake?
Pursue your hobbies, things you cherished doing when you were at college, but never had the time to do it. This will give you immense joy and you will not have to be at the mercy of your husband. Your cribbing at him will be much much less. This hobby, or learning of art that comes from your heart will be your solace till the end. It can nurture entire family (including the hubby) and even support people in community. If she does not know to tap in to this reservoir she becomes sad and inconsolable. Her resentment to bitter resentment towards her husband becomes solid like cement, no, like steel. She may begin to have ailments.

Woman kind of the homo sapiens have collosal energy reservoir and they are more capable of staying connected to the infinite source of energy that has been propelling Nature since eternity.

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