1.Gender Identity
2.Sexual Orientation
हीजरा , छक्का
The above two are different and are
based on following features:
1 Physical
2 Genetic
3 Brain
4 Personal (mental gender identity)
हीजरा , छक्का
1.Gender Identity
This deals with one's own identity. (Relation with oneself)
Commonly only Male and Female were recognized identities of people.
The Third Identity is discussed here.
1. transsexual
2. transvestite
1. transsexual
They desire physical change.
They perceive themselves to be trapped in the body of the other sex.
Two types of transexuals
[i] F2M Female - to Male transman [ii] M2F Male - to - Female transwoman
2. transvestite
The transvestite do not wish to physically change to other sex.
They feel, behave and dress as other sex.
Also called as
Those who do it occasionally are
3. drags as dragqueen and dragking
[1]dragQueen [actor that plays 'maushi' in tamsha]
4. Androgne (Intersex)
Includes no sex, both sex and such types
5. Genderqueer
Includes people dressed as transvestites, but having attraction towards same sex or different sex. All different confusing combinations comprise genderqueer.
People other than transgender are cisgender.
They have no gender ambiguity. It includes almost all of us (majority of people)
हीजरा , छक्का
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