
In common parlance we use the word eve teasing to any nuisance caused to a female by a male usually by ogling, laughing, taunting, following, touching. Boys/men/guys often do not know how nerve shattering this experience can be for a girl who may be your sister, friend or relative. What can you do if you are parent, friend, or the victimized girl?

eve teasing on the internet
Eve teasing can be horrendous experience when it happens through the internet.
You may not know but eve teasing is not uncommon in Orkut. In the last quarter of 2006 three different incidents were reported at one month interval in the Times of India. In all these incidences police personnel had to step in.

China has banned orkut for sane reasons.
Remember that eve teasing that gets reported is the tip of the ice berg.

Follow the netiquettes, even if you feel super confident as youth usually does.

Off the net
If eve teasing is temporary or isolated event, as when she is passing through a street where she is unlikely to tread again, or at a picnic spot, it is best overlooked.
However, if it is persistent, as while going to college, office, playground, in school, neighborhood how will you handle it?

See how-to-fight-eve-teasing-2 eve teasing2 FIGHTING KIT.

Before that let us see what eve teasing does to the victim

Eve teasing causes disturbance that is different in different situations and in different girls. The harassment can range from irritation to haunting terror


It can affect social life. A girl's attitude can take a big turn and the jubilant girl can become reserved or may hate the male kind. It may in worst cases cause defamation in her social circle.

Academic life, extracurricular, career or office life is disturbed

Husband ~ Wife bonding can be impaired to the extent that they have to seek counseling.
Though rare this can emerge as the culprit in counseling session.

Who does it
and to whom?

Those who have undergone eve teasing by a मवाली, दादा mawali, dada, and truant know how Though commonly pretty girls are a victim; the eve teasing can happen with your sister, daughter, and friend.

What not to do

If the family members of the victim are not supportive and dismiss the girl's complaint by saying, "You must have done something to seduce him," she has lost an important tool from her FIGHTING KIT.
Do not implicate her?
True mini dresses are fashionable but in every age for that age a particular dress code was considered vulgar. What is vulgar could be trendy for your kid.

Do not say, "Forget it."
लक्ष देउ नको
Laksha deu nako

Do not hide it

Do not go in a clave out of fear

Consider this to be a learning experience in life.

Wisdom lies in turning problem into your teacher.

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